FrysCrypto Miner Profit Calculator
Calculate how much $FRY you can earn with FryFoundation’s crypto miners based on the live FRY price of $0.00009. Find out how much you can earn on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. Get FrysCrypto profitability and ROI results for verified and unverified miners. You can also calculate rewards results for BOYD (bring your own devices), where you only need to buy a BOYD license currently set at $105 each. Use the Fry Mining Calculator to find out how much $FRY you can earn below.
FrysCrypto Miner Profit Calculator
Since our last update, the Fry Foundation has made a few changes. They changed their website name to FryNetworks and, thanks to a vote, revised the payout structure for verified and unverified miners.
Also their miner verification is finally live and users can finally verify their miners to earn more $FRY.
You can use the calculator above or check out this screenshot created by the FryNetworks staff and posted on their discord channel.
UPDATE JUNE 15, 2024. Fry Foundation users have voted to keep the 1.5X early adopters bonus that was set to expire on October 28, 2024, permanent, meaning the 1.5X will instead be added to base rewards.
Here is the vote results posted by the founder of the Fry Foundation:
FIP-003 has concluded!
96% of people have voted to make the Early Bird Multiplier permanent!
With that being said, the multiplier will now be part of the base rewards and will no longer expire in October of this year!
UPDATE JUNE 1, 2024. Fry Foundation investors voted to reduce rewards by 7% for every 1000 miners sold and activated, these rewards have been updated to reflect the outcome of the vote. The first rewards reduction happened on June 1, 2024.
Why this reduction? Here’s the explanation from Fry Foundation which can also be found here:
Objective: To determine the rate of reward reduction per additional 1,000 registered miners. This vote seeks to establish whether rewards should decrease by 4% or 7% for each subsequent batch of 1,000 miners beyond our current count. The goal is to ensure sustainable growth and reward distribution as our network expands. Key Points: – Current Situation: With over 8,000 miners currently registered, our network is experiencing rapid growth. This increase in participants necessitates a strategic adjustment in how rewards are distributed to maintain the network’s health and long-term viability. – Options for Reduction: – A 4% reduction in rewards for each additional 1,000 miners registered. This moderate approach aims to gradually adjust reward allocations while supporting sustained participation and growth. – A 7% reduction in rewards for each additional 1,000 miners registered. This more aggressive strategy is intended to quickly stabilize the reward pool as our community expands, ensuring long-term sustainability. – Implementation Details: It’s important to note that once this vote concludes, the chosen reduction rate will not immediately affect the initial 8,000 miners. Instead, the reduction (either 4% or 7%) will be applied and doubled for the next segment of up to 8,000 new miners. This approach allows for a phased integration of the new policy, giving our community time to adjust. Your Participation Matters: – We encourage all community members to participate in this critical decision. Your vote will help shape the future of our reward system, balancing growth with sustainability. Consider the implications of each option and choose the one that aligns with your vision for our network’s future. Note: You may cast your vote as many times as you like, provided you have sufficient FRY tokens to support each vote. This ensures that all stakeholders, especially those deeply invested in our network, have a voice proportional to their commitment.
How to Use the FrysCrypto Miner Profit Calculator
If you just joined the Fry Network you’re in luck with this post, we try to make it easy for new users to understand how the network’s rewards work. Our Fry’s Crypto Miner Profit Calculator reflects the recent changes in their rewards policy. Previously, when the price of FRY jumped from $0.009 to $0.01, the rewards were adjusted by 25%. To help users understand the adjustments, they had implemented a rewards mechanism that would double the rewards when the price of $FRY fell below $0.01.
However, following a decision made by the Fry Foundation community in which 62% of the votes favored the change (with each FRY representing one vote), the multiplier for falling prices has been removed. Now, rewards are distributed based solely on the base rate regardless of the FRY price fluctuations. You can read more about the FRY Foundation rewards mechanism to understand these changes better.
To give bonuses for being an early adopter, all users will still receive a 1.5x bonus on the base rewards until October 8, 2024. This bonus applies to all FrysCrypto mining devices, regardless of whether they were purchased from the FRYFOUNDATION Shop or if you are using your own device (BYOD). (Users have voted to keep this bonus permanent and will now be part of the base rewards.)
We created a table that lists the Fry base rewards that everyone will receive by default. This table has been updated on June 15, 2024 to reflect current rewards rates.
Fry Foundation and BYOD Miner Rewards
Miner Type | Unverified Daily Earnings | Verified Daily Earnings | Device Limit | |
Bandwidth Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 per Public IP | |
Indoor Satellite Miner | 106.89 $FRY | 320.67 $FRY | 5 per Location | |
Outdoor Satellite Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 per Location | |
Indoor Decibel Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 per Location | |
Outdoor Decibel Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 per Location | |
High-End Weather Miner | 278.28 $FRY | 835.84 $FRY | 1 High-End & 1 Low-End per Location | |
Low-End Weather Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 High-End & 1 Low-End per Location | |
Sky Camera Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 Facing the Sky per Location | |
Traffic Camera Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 Facing Each Street per Location | |
Wildlife Camera Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 Facing Each Outdoor Area per Location | |
Weather Station Camera Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 Weather Station Camera Miner Facing Towards your Weather Miner (Includes Indoor and Outdoor) | |
Indoor Radiation Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 per Location | |
Energy Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | No Limit | |
Indoor Air Quality Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 per Household | |
Outdoor Air Quality Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 per Location | |
Outdoor Water Quality Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 per Body of Water | |
Reward Decentralization Node | 556.56 $FRY | 1669.68 $FRY | No limit | |
Storage Decentralization Node | 556.56 $FRY | 1669.68 $FRY | No limit | |
Storage Validator Node | 556.56 $FRY | 1669.68 $FRY | No limit | |
BYOD Bandwidth Miner | 69.57 $FRY | 208.71 $FRY | 1 per Public IP | |
BYOD Indoor Satellite Miner | 53.44 $FRY | 160.34 $FRY | 5 per Location | |
BYOD Outdoor Satellite Miner | 69.57 $FRY | 208.71 $FRY | 1 per Location | |
BYOD Indoor Decibel Miner | 69.57 $FRY | 208.71 $FRY | 1 per Location | |
BYOD Outdoor Decibel Miner | 69.57 $FRY | 208.71 $FRY | 1 per Location | |
BYOD WXM High-End Weather Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | 1 High-End & 1 Low-End per Location | |
BYOD Low-End Weather Miner | 69.57 $FRY | 208.71 $FRY | 1 High-End & 1 Low-End per Location | |
BYOD Traffic Camera Miner | 69.57 $FRY | 208.71 $FRY | 1 Facing Each Street per Location | |
BYOD Wildlife Camera Miner | 69.57 $FRY | 69.57 $FRY | 208.71 $FRY | 1 Facing Each Outdoor Area per Location |
BYOD Sky Camera Miner | 69.57 $FRY | 208.71 $FRY | 1 Facing the Sky per Location | |
BYOD Weather Station Camera Miner | 69.57 $FRY | 208.71 $FRY | 1 Weather Station Camera Miner Facing Towards your Weather Miner (Includes Indoor and Outdoor) | |
BYOD Indoor/Outdoor/Car IOTX Pebble Miner | 139.13 $FRY | 417.42 $FRY | No limit |
Step-by-Step Instructions how to Using the FrysCrypto Income Calculator
Select Your Miner Type: When you first land on the calculator, you’ll find two main categories to choose from: Miner from FRYFOUNDATION Shop and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Select the category that applies to you.
Choose Your Specific Miner: Once you’ve selected the type, a dropdown menu will appear with a list of miners currently available to mine $FRY. Choose the one you’re using or interested in. Each miner has different capabilities and, therefore, different potential earnings. Some miners earn the same, and some not.
Calculate Earnings: With your miner selected, simply click on the “Calculate Earnings” button. The calculator will then display your estimated earnings in both USD and FrysCrypto ($FRY).
Understanding Your Results: The results will show your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly estimated earnings in USD, alongside the equivalent amount in $FRY. It will also calculate the days to ROI (Return on Investment), giving you an idea of how long it will take to pay off your miner.
We didn’t bother adding the electricity cost to this miner because it is very minimal, in some cases under $1 a month.
The Formula Behind the Calculator
The calculator uses a formula we added to estimate your earnings based on the miner’s performance, the current price of FrysCrypto ($FRY), and other relevant factors found in the FRY Foundation’s whitepaper. You can read it here. Here’s a simplified overview of the formula used:
Earnings Calculation: The earnings are calculated by multiplying the miner’s reward rate (in $FRY) by the current price of FrysCrypto. This gives us the daily earnings in USD. The calculator then extrapolates this to weekly, monthly, and yearly earnings.
Days to ROI: The days to ROI are calculated by dividing the cost of the miner by the daily earnings in USD. This gives an estimate of how many days it will take for the miner to generate enough revenue to cover its purchase cost.
Once the price falls below $0.01, the calculator will automatically add another 50% to the rewards results, 1.5x bonus for early miners, and 2x because the price of $FRY fell under that $0.01 benchmark, giving you a total of 100% rewards from the set base rewards per miner.
For BYOD miners, the process is similar, but the rewards rate may vary based on the device’s performance and the specific conditions under which it operates.
We will continue to update the calculator every time there’s an update on FrysCrypto tokenomics.
Tips for New Users
Check Regularly: The price of FrysCrypto ($FRY) can fluctuate, so it’s a good idea to use the calculator to figure out your expectations and plans in case you want to buy one.
Explore Different Miners: Use the calculator to compare different miners’ potential earnings. This can help you decide which miner might be the best investment for you.
Consider Verified vs. Unverified: Some miners have different rates for verified and unverified mining. Consider this in your calculations and potential verifications to maximize earnings. Verified miners will earn more, and this will be implemented by the Fry Foundation once they have finished testnet.
Investment Recovery: Pay attention to the Days to ROI to understand how long it might take to recover your investment under current market conditions.
Don’t ask your wife: It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
Different Types Of Fry Miners
The Fry Foundation has all kinds of miners, everything from Bandwidth miners to camera miners. You can even set up reward, storage, and validator nodes, which earn a lot more than the traditional hardware miners.
FRY miners are made from recycled electronics most of the time, and the company claims that no matter how they look, you will receive the same amount of $FRY every day, as advertised.
$FRY Bandwidth Miners are repurposed hardware from old computers and will be providing data to their dVPN network, paying you for selling that data. Currently, there is only 1 version of the Bandwidth miner available for purchase.
$FRY Satellite Miner, currently there are 2 versions of these, an indoor and an outdoor version of the miner.
$FRY Decibel Miner, same as the satellite miner, there are currently 2 versions of this miner, the indoor and outdoor miner type. These miners record sound and send the data to the $FRY dVPN network.
$FRY Weather Miners are cool; I personally love them, but I already have a WeatherXM miner. You basically set these up and get the weather data to your phone. There are currently 2 types of $FRY weather miners, a high-end weather miner and a low-end weather miner. The choice is yours.
$FRY Camera Miners, these miners are basically traffic cameras that you can set up in front of your home to monitor traffic. Currently, there are 8 camera miners available by the FRY Foundation, everything from traffic cams to wildlife cams. So, if you’re planning to get a camera, just get the $FRY mining cameras and get rewarded for them.
Unreleased Miners: Currently, there are 6 unreleased miners that are pretty cool: the $FRY Indoor Radiation Miner, $FRY Energy Miner, $FRY Indoor Air Quality Miner, $FRY Outdoor Air Quality Miner, and the $FRY Outdoor Water Quality Miner. These are all miners currently on preorder, but you can get a good deal ordering them early. I’m excited for the energy miner; you can set them up anywhere in your home and monitor the energy from your power plugs in your house.
Unreleased Nodes: Currently, there are 3 unreleased nodes for sale: the $FRY Reward Decentralization Node, $FRY Storage Decentralization Node, and the $FRY Storage Validator Node. All 3 are priced at $500 and will be shipped in Q3 or Q4 of 2024. What I like about these nodes is they pay way more than the average miners above. Use the calculator above to calculate how much you can earn setting up these nodes.
Final Thoughts
Personally, I have a crypto mining addiction, so I would recommend buying all the miners and supporting the network. Many projects like this have failed, but many also survived. Since this project is early, it is a good idea to get set up now rather than later. Your $FRY could be worth way more when everyone else starts using the network for the data submitted by users.
At the end of the day, it’s up to you if you’re willing to take the risk. Only you can decide. So if you’re ready buy your miner here and use our coupon code 247CALCULATOR to get a discount on your order.
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